Tuesday, May 24, 2011


The six of us left for Buzios at 10am from downtown at the Estacâo de omnibuses. We had to take two different busses and a metro to get there and we were arrived one minute before departure. Gracias a dios. As good college kids that we are, we started partying early on the bus. There were a group of 6 Israeli’s behind us on the bus and it just so happened they were staying at the same hostel as us! We stayed at Hostel Nomad Buzios. The view was waterfront…absolutely gorgeous. We stayed in a 12 bed room and roomed with a guy from Scotland, a guy from Uraguay, and a girl from University of Georgia. The Israeli’s were right next door to us, and boy were they loud. Friday we explored Buzios and went to a few different beaches in the area. Friday night we all hung out on the pier for a bit and then had a few drinks at the hostel bar. That night we met a group of Brazilians that were there for a surgeon’s conference (so they said).

Saturday we went on a boat ride that we negotiated down to 20 reales (about 12 dollars) it was a booze cruise basically with all you can drink caipirinhas which is an amazing Brazilian drink that is straight cachaca, granulated sugar, and crushed limes. Needless to say it was a fun boat ride and we jumped off the boat and went swimming too! We met a couple from Chile that were on their honeymoon and they actually came out with us that night. Around 10, the hostel put together a bar crawl for us which was all you can drink caipirinhas for the first hour…very intense. Then we went to three different bars where we got a different shot at each bar and we ended up at this intense nightclub called Privelege. It was the fanciest nightclub I have ever been in. There were male and female go-go dancers on the walls of the club and the DJ was crazy. There were about 20 or so people on the bar crawl with us and we stayed out until…late. The next day was super-sunny so we spent the day at the beach and walking around the town a little. It was so beautiful outside. We left Buzios at 6pm, awesome weekend!

When I got back to Rio I met up with a girl named Vanessa from Rio. She doesn’t speak any English so it was really good practice for me...we went to a bar and walked around the beach.

Overall the weekend was really fun and relaxing! Love Brazil!!!!

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