Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Favelas of Rio

Today we went to the favelas, which are the slums of Brazil. Favelas are located on mountains in the city of Rio and there are some of the best views of the city from there. Favelas are very dangerous, not many tourists visit this area so we had a guide with us. The guide said that you may not see the danger but favelas are known to have highly dangerous military weapons, gangs, grenades, and poverty. The most astounding thing about this place was the kids that live in the filth of the favelas. One street is very rich and wealthy people, and the minute you step into a favela it is like being in a ghetto. The water is unsafe, the wires are loose, theres trash and feces in the street, and theres smiling kids everywhere. It's a very interesting experience. Davis bought a coke while he was there and he asked the Director of PUC where he could throw it out, she replied.. "Really it doesn't matter, you can put it anywhere it all ends up in the street." I thought that was a really sad response for a Brazilian. You would think that Brazilians would want to help out these areas not trash them even more.

To end on a good note, i'm definitely getting better at Portuguese (I think). I can have semi-conversations now!

Tchau my friends :)

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